Consolidation and Repair of the Towers
The whole historic site including the Towers was purchased from the Burghley House Preservation Trust in 2004 by Janet and Paul Griffin. The Towers are Grade 1 Listed and classified as a Scheduled Ancient Monument - as such the structure must be conserved rather than restored to its original built form. Therefore, the Griffins have carried out a painstaking programme of repair and consolidation of the Towers, resulting in the building's removal from the National Heritage At-Risk register in 2008. The Towers structure has been gifted by them to the Wothorpe Towers Preservation Trust, established by them and of which they are Trustees. Together, they are now responsible for the future care and upkeep of the building, which now stands as a consolidated monument within the private grounds of the Griffins' land holding.
Garden Restoration
The area immediately surrounding the Towers comprises a group of walled garden courts. These are undergoing sympathetic re-instatement & restoration in order to re-create the appropriate historic setting for all the site's historic structures, including the buildings inhabited by the family. This process has involved extensive archaeological work to re-instate the historic ground levels. Sympathetic design and historically correct, extensive planting material has and is being used in the continuing work in these garden areas.
The Historic Site
The Towers and surrounding walled garden 'courts', formal gardens and various buildings including the Listed domestic buildings form the Historic site which is occupied by the Griffins as their private family residence.
The restoration and holistic reinvigoration of the site is the focus of the long-term and ongoing project undertaken by them. The principal object is to ensure that work to the historic fabric is undertaken sympathetically, in accordance with purist conservation principles wherever possible and by using traditional methods, techniques and materials.